


Providing different fabric to meet different application requirement, TAIMEI Group has a strong focus on work with professional manufacturers for all major material and involved in the raw material, additive formula, machinery processing, ensuring the highest quality and reliability at their own production facilities.


Since 1990's, our Weihai production facility gained expertise in plastic fabrication, and HDPE film extrusion, and since 2012 we produce all our PE Tarpaulin in our own facility.


Our plastic net manufacturing facilities in Binzhou and we insist on produce high-quality shade netting for agriculture and sunshade purpose, in many products application, we provide customers 5 years and 10 years quality products.


All staffs and partners who are involved during the production of Taimei products are well qualified, frequently trained and further educated to keep up with the latest developments in their specific job.

WaterJet Loom Woven Machine
Cycling Loom Woven Machine

Knitting Netting Machine
Karl Mayer